Our Ethical Certifications At A Glance

Lately you may find yourself lost among thousands of sustainability declarations and strange acronyms you can barely understand. We want to make our work as clear as possible, so here’s a little guide to introduce you to the unknown world of our certifications. ♻️
When it comes to fabrics, our first thought is to use something respectful both for the planet and for humans. For that reason, for our fabric production and tag transfers, we have decided to work only with suppliers who gained the OEKO-TEX certification. This standard guarantees the absence or limited concentration of prohibited chemical substances in our swimwear, resulting in products good for the skin and the ocean.
It stands for Global Recycled Standard and certifies the recycled content of a product. By obtaning it, our fabric suppliers guarantee at least the 50% of recycled materials in the final product plus their enviromental and ethical commitment. We can count on responsible water and energy use, containment of greenhouse gases and production waste. No child and forced labor, discrimination or violence, but only fair wages, controlled working hours, hygienic enviroment and chemical management system.
Cradle to Cradle® & Responsable Care®
Before the planet, people need protection and a safe working environment. These two certifications verify the respect of health and social issues alongside the circularity and enviromental permformances of the products. The result is a regenerated and recycled fabric with no toxic materials and respectful of human rights.
We want to go green in every aspect of our activity. Thus, even our packaging is made with eco-friendly materials. The pouches that arrive with our swimwear are certified by Global Organic Textile Standard, which is the world reference for organic products, with at least a minumum of 70% of fibers. The cotton used respects the enviromental practices - by banning GMOs, minimizing waste and treating water properly - and the International Labor Organization policies for a fair and safe work.
Unfortunately trees are not eternal and if we don’t take serious action, they will slowly decrease with deforestation and fires. To ensure a responsible forest management, the Forest Stewardship Council requires the application of sustainable development principles and the traceability of wood-based materials thoughout the entire process, from the forest to the final consumer.
Now with no hesitation you can say Muze Paris is a sustainable brand! 💚